These tools are crucial in industries like construction, manufacturing, automotive, and energy production to ensure that fasteners are tightened to the correct specifications, ensuring both safety and functionality.
Shingare Industries is the leading Manufacturer of high-quality Bolting tools, featuring essential Bolting tools and Torque tools including Torque wrenches, Sockets and accessories. Find the right Shingare Square Drive Tool and Bolt Tensioner for your projects!
Automotive : Torque tools are essential for assembling engines, transmissions, and suspensions to ensure fasteners are tightened properly.
Construction : Used for tightening structural bolts in steel buildings, bridges, and heavy infrastructure.
Oil and Gas : Hydraulic torque tools are used in pipeline construction, drilling, and equipment maintenance.
Energy : In wind turbine assembly and maintenance, large bolts need precise torque, and hydraulic or pneumatic torque tools are often used.
Aerospace : High precision torque wrenches are used in the assembly of aircraft and space vehicles.